I'm not much of a fan of landscape pictures. I think a lot of them are beautiful, for sure, most of them actually, but for me, it's just not my thing; not what I'm into. I love taking pictures of things. The other day, I took a billion and a half pictures of a soda can. With different angles, different lighting, different focus settings and so on. I LOVED it. And if I was brave enough, I would have probably saved a few to frame because I really thought they were something special. A little nontraditional, I realize, but really cool nonetheless.
I LOVE taking pictures and looking at pictures of buildings. I love the long angles of the pictures, when you're shooting them from below. So I've decided that those types are what I'm going to put on my wall. I think I've decided on a few hydrangea pictures (which I will name below), but these are a few of my favorite shots.
((click to enlarge))
((I guess this could be thought of as a "landscape", but I adore hydrangea's, so I had to take a few close ups))
((I think these are what I'm going to have printed and hang on my living room wall. I'm tempted to turn the hue to sepia, because plum doesn't really match my decor, but I haven't decided yet))
((This is obviously some kind of tree, but it's growing like a weed would grow. Not planted by a person, just a seed sprouting up and growing in such a strange spot! But I LOVED the pictures it produced, especially with the sun and shadows))
((My grandpa retired from the Greyhound Bus Depot in Eugene, and we were downtown today, so I snapped a few. I think I will probably frame this as a gift for him. I think he'd really love it))